Welcome to Demand

Decentralize Bitcoin through Sv2, offchain payments, and transparent share accounting.

Get Started

DEMAND is the first pool to support template declaration for pooled mining.

Leveraging the power of StratumV2 DEMAND offer's better latency and less bandwidth usage to miners.

  • Improved security through encryption and authentication.
  • More freedom thanks to template declaration.
  • Best transperency with open PPLNS.

Miners that still want to use Stratum V1 can do so via our sv1 endpoint or by using our translator proxy which allows sv1 mining with all the advantages of an StratumV2 pool.

Get Started

Get Started

The pool is in beta but anyone can already try it

Pooled Sv2

                  Pooled mining through the Sv2 enpoint                  

Solo Sv2

                  Pooled mining through the Sv2 endpoint                  

Pooled Sv1

                  Pooled mining through the Sv1 endpoint                  

Solo Sv1

                  Solo mining through the Sv1 endpoint                  

With Job Declarator

                  Solo mining through the Sv1 endpoint                  

With Translator

                  Solo mining through the Sv1 endpoint                  

Pooled Sv2

Pooled Sv2

Pooled mining through the Sv2 enpoint

Pooled mining is not enabled, yet. In order to do pooled mining you have to register an account via our webapp then you must enable two factor authentication and register a payout method. At that point you will get a token. Then you can use it in your setup connection message, like this:
              SetupConnection {
                  protocol: Protocol::MiningProtocol,
                  min_version: 2,
                  max_version: 2,
                  flags: 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001,
                  endpoint_host: "mining.dmnd.work",
                  endpoint_port: 2000,
                  vendor: "vendor",
                  hardware_version: "hw_version",
                  firmware: "firmware_version",
                  device_id: "[device_id]::pooled::[token]",
The important part here is device_id: "[device_id]::pooled::[token]"

[device_id] will be used to log the downstream activity.
pooled intsructs the pool to use pooled mining for that connection.
[token] is a securty check so that we are sure which account must be credited for the share produced.

Sv2 endpoint is: mining.dmnd.work:2000
Solo Sv2

Solo Sv2

Solo mining through the Sv2 endpoint

To do solo mining you don't need to have an account with us because you chose the coinbase output. When you do solo mining you don't have share accounting and you have to find a block in order to be payed. More entities can mine with a solo pool that pay the same address, and then split the reward in the way that they prefer. From our webapp you can check the status of the miners that are mining with a specific solo pool, you juts need to put the address that you used in your setup connection message in the text box and click on "check" to see some stats about your workers.
              SetupConnection {
                  protocol: Protocol::MiningProtocol,
                  min_version: 2,
                  max_version: 2,
                  flags: 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001,
                  endpoint_host: "mining.dmnd.work",
                  endpoint_port: 2000,
                  vendor: "vendor",
                  hardware_version: "hw_version",
                  firmware: "firmware_version",
                  device_id: "[device_id]::solo::[bitcoin address]",
The important part here is device_id: "[device_id]::pooled::[bitcoin address]"

[device_id] will be used to log the downstream activity.
pooled intruct the pool to use pooled mining for that connection.
[bitcoin address] is the address that will be used in the coinbase output, it must be a bitcoin address for bitcoin network (not testnet) serialized as a bech32 or base58 string.

Sv2 endpoint is: mining.dmnd.work:2000
Pooled Sv1

Pooled Sv1

Pooled mining through the Sv1 enpoint

Pooled mining is not yet enabled. In order to do pooled mining you have to register an account via our webapp then you must enabled two factor auth and registerd a payout method. At that point you will get a token. then you can use it in your auth message, like this:
                  "message": {
                      "id": 3,
                      "method": "mining.authorize",
                      "params": ["username", "[token]"]
                  "id": "mining.authorize"
The important part here is device_id: ""params": ["[username]", "[token]"]"

[username] will be used to log the downstream activity.
[token] is a securty check so that we are sure which account must be credited for the share produced.

Sv1 endpoint is: mining.dmnd.work:1000
Solo Sv1

Solo Sv1

Solo mining through the Sv1 enpoint

To do solo mining you don't need to have an account with us because you chose the coinbase output. When you do solo mining you don't have share accounting and you have to find a block in order to be payed. More entities can mine with a solo pool that pay the same address, and then split the reward in the way that they prefer. From our webapp you can check the status of the miners that are mining with a specific solo pool, you juts need to put the address that you used in your auth message in the text box and click on "check" to see some stats about your workers.
                  "message": {
                      "id": 3,
                      "method": "mining.authorize",
                      "params": ["username", "[bitcoin address]"]
                  "id": "mining.authorize"
The important part here is device_id: ""params": ["[username]", "[bitcoin address]"]"

[username] will be used to log the downstream activity.
[bitcoin address] is the address that will be used in the coinbase output, it must be a bitcoin address for bitcoin network (not testnet) serialized as a bech32 or base58 string.

Sv1 endpoint is: mining.dmnd.work:1000



Alejeandro De La Torre

Chief Executive Officer

Mining pool veteran, former vp of btccom and poolin, taprootactivation coordinator

Filippo Merli

Chief Technology Officer

Creator of SRI the first stratum v2 open source implementation